Very sad news to report – Carolyn passed away on Jan 19, 2025. I have no words to describe the hole she has left. She was posting on the WAPF Houston pages until the end. This website will remain online for the foreseeable future as a lot of posts and recipes and such are still relevant. (posted by Brice for her)
Category Archives: Nutrition
Follow Real Food Houston on MeWe
Excessive censorship and shadowbanning are limiting the type of information that can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Real Food Houston is now active on MeWe, and, so far, there has been no censorship. If you want … Continue reading →
What You Will Find on Real Food Houston!
We want our website to help you find the resources you need to be healthy through good nutrition and a beneficial lifestyle. We get no compensation for any listing. None of the links are affiliate links.
Here are some of the resources we provide:
Health and Nutrition Information
- Coronavirus/COVID19, including special sections on wearing masks, germ vs. terrain theory, and COVID vaccines
- Vaccines
- Homeopathy
- General Health Information
- and More
Resources for
- Foods: pastured meats, healthy fats, herbs, supplements, and more
- Personal care products
- Organic clothing
- Baby products
- Cookware
- Household products
- Garden and farm products
- and More
Real Food Restaurants: Houston area restaurants that have some selections meeting some real food requirements such as local food, organic choices, pastured meats, etc. None meet all WAPF guidelines.
For Houston area resources, the Local Food & Milk page of WAPF-Houston has a list of pastured meats, eggs, real milk, produce, and much more.
We add to these resources frequently. Check back often for new listings.
Is Cassava Flour a Good Substitute for Wheat Flour?
I’ve been intrigued by the recipes I’ve been seeing on the Internet that substitute cassava flour for wheat flour. The recipes are intended to provide wheat substitutes for followers of the paleo diet and for people who are avoiding gluten. … Continue reading →
What happened to Arrowhead Mills and Walnut Acres?
So many family owned organic farms and food producers are being bought out by major food corporations and often the result is not good for us as consumers! The story of the selling of Arrowhead Mills and Walnut Acres is … Continue reading →
Why Have Decades of Low-Fat Advice Failed Americans?
Join Houston Real Food Nutrition on June 28th to learn why The Oiling of America is a significant factor in our deteriorating health. The Lipid Hypothesis In the 1950’s Ancel Keys and other researchers “presented the lipid hypothesis as the … Continue reading →
Why Women Find It Harder to Lose Weight Than Men! What We Can Do About It!
Women always seem to have more trouble losing weight than men! I certainly find that to be true! Several years ago, when I switched to a Real Food diet following the dietary guidelines of the Weston A. Price Foundation, I … Continue reading →
Back on Track–Recharged and Ready to Go After the 2014 Wise Traditions Conference
I just got back yesterday from the 2014 Wise Traditions Conference in Indianapolis, and I can’t begin to describe how encouraged and recharged I am. Do your co-workers treat you as if you’re crazy because you want to eat healthy … Continue reading →
Nourishing Our Children – Learn How to Help Your Family to be Healthier and Better Nourished
Houston Real Food Nutrition will present the Nourishing Our Children video series on October 18th at 3 pm. There will be refreshments about midway through the series and plenty of time for questions and discussion. Let’s help our children (and … Continue reading →
What is the number one superfood? Can the NuVal nutrition score help us find healthy foods?
Wouldn’t it be great if we could glance at a food on the grocery shelves and know how nutritious it was? We could then spend our food budget on those foods that would give us the most benefit. There is … Continue reading →